Children’s TV personality Andy Day is to open Clacton Pier’s latest
£500,000 attraction.
Andy will be starring in two performances of his own fantastic family
show, Andy’s Dino Raps, in the Jolly Roger Theatre at the end of the pier and will
perform the official opening ceremony of Jurassic Pier on May 27.
His show is full of interactive fun and catchy raps about everyone’s
favourite prehistoric creatures.
There are 600 tickets up for grabs with a maximum 300 seats available at
12noon and again at 2pm on opening day.
It will all be part of a weekend of dinosaur events and activities which
include a free fireworks extravaganza set to top dino tunes on Sunday May 28.
Andy has featured on many programmes, mainly on children’s TV, and was
nominated for a Children’s BAFTA award for Best Presenter in 2009.
Pier director Billy Ball said it was a great coup to get Andy on board.
“Andy has fronted many TV shows and his own shows involving dinosaurs
and prehistoric adventures, and he is the perfect fit to open Jurassic Park,”
he added.
“His series have proved a massive hit with children and parents alike
and we are looking forward to having him with us for most of the day.
“Andy will be doing meets and greets after his shows which last about 30
minutes and we expect the tickets to sell out quickly, so don’t miss out.”
Jurassic Pier’s baby dinosaurs will be out and about, and a giant T-Rex
will be on walkaround and available for photos. There will be other activities
laid on such as a dino trail over the weekend.
The new attraction is an exciting interactive dinosaur walk-through
experience leading into the 4-D special effects cinema with motion seating,
audio-visual lighting and sound systems.
Other equipment, such as 3-D glasses and water-squirters will make it a
truly immersive experience.
Jurassic Pier is replacing a 40-year-old seaquarium which was dismantled
over the winter.
Work was carried out by an in-house team and the cinema put in by
Simworx, one of the world’s top suppliers of motion simulation technology.
The individually commissioned dinosaurs – which will have their own
enclosures – have come from Asia and include an eight metre long Tyrannosaurus-Rex,
four metre Dilophosaurus and Velociraptor, a Bambiraptor, and a Pterosaur.
The entire opening event is being staged in association with Year of the
Anyone wanting to book seats for Andy’s Dino Raps can do so by going to www.clactonpier.co.uk