Clacton Pier and Clacton Carnival Association have joined forces to
stage a new family fun event this summer.
The August carnival week programme has had to be scaled down due to
Covid regulations for the second year running.
It means that the popular procession has had to be cancelled once again –
much to the disappointment of the organising committee.
But the iconic seaside attraction offered to put on a special evening as
part of the 150 year celebrations of the town and Pier.
Paul Townend, chairman of the Clacton Carnival Association, said the
committee was delighted to accept the offer and feels it will bring something
new to the week.
“It has been a huge disappointment to us and the community that we
cannot hold the procession once again this year and have had to scale down
events. It was a terribly sad decision that we had to make; there was no chance
of the procession going ahead under the current circumstances,” he said.
“Within days the Pier came forward with the suggestion of a Carnival
Pier Night on Friday August 20 and it put a smile back on our faces.
“It is the first time we have teamed up with the Pier but hopefully it
won’t be the last! We have always had the support of businesses in the town,
and this is another example of that.”
There will be special deals for those attending the event and a donation
will be made to the Clacton Carnival Association.
The Pier will be putting on free live musical entertainment outside the
Boardwalk Bar and Grill and will be paying for a host of children’s characters
and superheroes to attend, provided by Ash-Le Entertainment from Southend. The
event will run from 6pm until late.
Pier director Billy Ball said he was pleased to be able to help out and
provide an extra attraction for the carnival programme.
“A team of volunteers at Clacton Carnival Association have been
providing so much fun and entertainment for our community for many, many years,”
he said.
“Through no fault of their
own their programme has been curtailed again this year and as part of our 150th
birthday celebrations we were keen to offer our support.”
Mr Townend added that the Donkey
Derby is also cancelled this year and to find out the very latest information
go to the carnival website, clactoncarnival.org