New main season at Clacton Pier gets off to a flying start

  • 18 February, 2019
  • On the pier


The new season got off to a flying start this
weekend as visitors flocked to Clacton Pier.

Warmer than usual temperatures for the time of
year boosted numbers as half term got underway and it is hoped the trend will
continue during this week.

Rides reopened along with the Seaquarium and a
new ticket office and work is continuing on phase two of the Pier’s development
to turn the landmark into a truly 52-week a year attraction.

Communications manager Nigel Brown said it is
a promising start and it is necessary to keep the momentum going.

“The weather can be a bit of a lottery at this
time of the year and you never know what you are going to get,” he said.

“However, it was dry all weekend and the sun shone
yesterday (Sunday) and there were a good number of people about all along the

“It got us off to an encouraging start to the
new season, but we need to keep this up to service our long term obligations
for the new development and all our other ongoing regular bills.”

Mr Brown added that with temperatures set to
get even higher throughout half term it is hoped that the visitors will keep

The central concourse is currently being
worked on so entry to the Seaquarium is via Discovery Bay while the outside
rides and the end of the Pier can be accessed through the arcade.

Rides are all priced at £1 each during the
whole of half term through to – and including – Sunday (February 24).

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