Brexit was marked at Clacton Pier with its lighting switched to red,
white and blue on the building.
The lighting was changed this evening and will remain until the end of
the weekend.
Union Jacks – which are usually taken down from their poles at the front
of the landmark due to potential damage in strong winds – were also put back in
place to commemorate the occasion.
Advertising on the front screen was suspended for the weekend and replaced
with a Union Jack and the message: For or against – United together for a
better future.
Billy Ball, a director at the Pier, said he felt it was important to
mark such an important day in the country’s history.
“No one denies it was a very close vote in 2016, but whichever way
people voted then it is now time to move on,” he said.
“We have spent the last three and a half years in limbo and that has not
good for anyone, especially the business community.
“Following the general election, we now have a direction in which we can
move forwards and we need to do so with positivity and as one.
“It is about uniting for a better future which we are all looking
forward to.”