Pier salutes the NHS

  • 27 March, 2020
  • In the community


Pier joined the amazing outpouring of support for the National Health Service
last night by turning its outside lighting blue and white.

message of thanks was also posted on the screen at the front of the landmark as
a gesture of backing for all the workers involved in the effort to save lives.

lights will remain those colours for the foreseeable future and the message will
stay on the screen throughout this period of lockdown.

Brown, the Pier’s communications manager, said it is very important everyone
gets behind the NHS as its staff and volunteers work tirelessly round the clock.

lives have undergone tremendous change and we have all had to alter our habits,”
he said.

no one can be under as much pressure as those who are putting their own health
at risk to look after us.

was fantastic to see the words and gestures of support for these workers last
night, but we can do more to help them.

is all about staying at home in line with the Government’s instructions and
that will definitely ease the increasing load that has been placed on the NHS
due to Coronavirus.”

Brown added that message of support is extended to all the emergency services,
those working in the food chain and anyone who is helping to make a difference
to the lives of others.

salute you all and appreciate the sacrifices you continue to make on our behalf,”
he said.


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