A seal provided a star new attraction
for visitors to Clacton Pier.
Crowds gathered towards the seaward
end of the landmark structure when the marine mammal was spotted on the slipway
to the old lifeboat station.
The seal first turned up on Thursday
and was back on Friday evening and then again on Saturday but hasn’t been seen
again since.
It was spotted by staff and members
of the public – who were concerned that it may be in difficulty – but after
taking advice from the experts it was decided it was best to leave it to its
own devices.
Nigel Brown, the pier’s
communications manager, said the seal certainly proved popular.
“We’re not sure if it was just taking
a breather on the slipway but it disappeared after a while and then returned on
several occasions,” he said.
“A member of our technical services
team contacted the British Divers Marine Life Rescue hotline to find out what was
the best thing to do.
“Those watching from the pier deck
were quite a distance up from the slipway and did not disturb it, but they were
able to get a good look.”