Glimmer of hope

  • 11 May, 2020
  • On the pier


Pier bosses have welcomed Boris Johnson’s announcement providing a roadmap out
of lockdown.

Prime Minister has set down a potential date of July 1 for parts of the hospitality
industry to get back to business with safeguards and social distancing still in

date will still all depend on the health situation and the data surrounding
Covid 19 at that time.

Director Billy Ball said that the announcement provides a glimmer of hope and a
potential deadline to work towards.

true we haven’t got too much detail so far but that looks likely to follow over
the coming week,” he said.

what we have got is encouragement that there is a possibility of some of the
hospitality industry reopening at the start of July.

is not a given – and all depends on what happens over the next month or so –
but we asked for some guidance and now we have got that.”

Ball said it will give the Pier the chance to get its own plans and measures in
place to ensure that it will be safe for both customers and staff when the time
is right.

it is a small part of the operation, a greater proportion – or the whole site,
then we can be prepared,” he added.

have an earliest possible date and something positive to work towards. We can
get staff retrained for the new measures we will need to put in place.”

Ball said that he is expecting the Government to provide a paper specific to his
industry in a few days and that will help to put the meat on the bone.

appreciate that this is not easy for anyone and the health of the nation has to
be paramount,” he added.

we are happier than we were before last night’s announcement and it is a step
in the right direction.

the meantime, we all have to follow the Government’s guidance as this is how we
will get back on the right road.”


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