The nation’s Emergency Services are once again being treated to a free
weekend at Clacton Pier to thank them for their continuing efforts to serve the
On June 15/16 families from the blue light services will get the chance
to enjoy the attractions and rides at no charge with up to four free wristbands
given to each family.
The weekend is aimed at the Police, Fire Service, Ambulance, RNLI and
Ewelina Majewska, Operations Manager at the Pier, said that the
Emergency Services provide cover 365 days a year in often difficult conditions with
stretched resources.
“This weekend is about the Pier throwing open its facilities to them and
their families to come and relax and enjoy themselves,” she said.
“We want to be able to thank them for everything they do to benefit us all,
and this does not only apply to those based in Tendring – but anywhere around
the country. They are welcome to come and join us.”
The Pier will still be fully open to all and the weekend will include free
children’s entertainment from James Magic at 12.30pm; 1.45pm; 3pm and 4.15pm
each day.
On Saturday (June 15) the live music will come from Tracey Moorhouse
from 1pm to 4pm and then SMC from 6pm to 10pm. The next day Steve Ritchie will be
performing from 1pm to 4pm.
As it is Father’s Day on June 16 all dads will be given the chance to
bowl free with a complimentary tea or coffee at the Lanes.
On the same day the Essex Chapter of the Harley Davidson Club based in Chelmsford
will be turning out with around 30 bikes on show. They will be at the Pier from
about 12.30pm.
“I am sure this will be of special interest to dads and the chance to
take some selfies,” added Ewelina. “They have been to our Emergency Services
day before and proved a great hit.”
A similar weekend for the Armed Forces will take place later in the