Weather takes toll of Bank Holiday fun at Clacton Pier

  • 6 May, 2019
  • On the pier

Press Release


Weather takes its toll on Bank Holiday fun at Clacton Pier

May 6, 2019


Chilly temperatures and heavy showers took its
toll on the number of visitors at Clacton Pier over the Bank Holiday weekend.

After the busy Easter weekend when then sun
shone, and the crowds flocked to the attraction there were less people about and
attendances were down.

The Pier’s new indoor development of Discovery
Bay soft play and Skull Point adventure golf – along with the enlarged
amusement arcade – ensured that it was not a washout.

Free fireworks, live music and children’s
entertainment meant that those who did venture out had a good time, despite the

Nigel Brown, Clacton Pier’s Communications
Manager said that it was in stark contrast to both Easter and the same Bank
Holiday last year when there were record attendances.

“The main difficulty was the forecast and it
meant that people had already made their mind up about their plans for the weekend,”
he said.

“It was chilly but, in the end, it did not rain
as much as was predicted but the damage was already done.

“It was by no means a disaster and our
undercover attractions did really good business, but it did affect takings on
the outdoor rides.

“We experienced average numbers on Saturday
and Sunday and although things were better on Monday it was disappointing

Mr Brown added that it did highlight the
importance of the Pier having its new development to help weather-proof the
business as far as possible.

“Like all seaside resorts, Clacton thrives in
the sunshine and the opposite is true when conditions are not so good,” he

“All you can really do is to improve the offer
and provide as much as possible for those who are prepared to come out and have
fun – whatever the weather.

“One customer said as they were leaving that although
it was cold and wet they had still had a great day out as there were plenty of activities
they could take part in that are undercover.”

The numbers turning out for the free fireworks
on Sunday night were also down on recent Bank Holidays.

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