An important stock count of species housed at a popular seaside
attraction to promote conservation has been carried out.
Clacton Pier’s seaquarium, which has been open for around 40 years,
helps to raise awareness about sea life found in local waters.
Each year staff undertake the count – with all the necessary paperwork
then submitted to Tendring District Council.
The council is responsible for issuing the seaquarium’s licence, which
currently lasts until April 2023 when it will need to be renewed.
Pier director Billy Ball said that although the attraction is not a
money-earner and just about breaks even, it is felt that it offers a valuable resource
to the local community.
“Conservation is quite rightly high on the agenda these days, including
looking after our oceans and all that lives within them,” he added.
“It is about everyone doing whatever they can to contribute to that and
the seaquarium raises awareness and helps promote conservation.
“Our business is actually on the North Sea itself and we take our
ethical responsibilities seriously.”
The pier employs two full-time aquarists who take care of all the sea
life which include smooth hound sharks, red-bellied piranha, clown fish,
terrapins, turtles, and many other types of fish.
All are fed, looked after and their health checked, and the pier works
closely with a vet from the International Zoo Veterinary Group.
The seaquarium was closed due to COVID restrictions for part of last
year but all the normal work had to be carried out to ensure standards were
properly maintained.
The pier also helps promote regular beach cleans in its area and works
with local groups of volunteers where possible.
Mr Ball said the seaquarium is regularly inspected and must comply with
very strict rules and regulations. Its licence is very much in line with those
for Colchester Zoo and Southend Sea Life, even though it is a much smaller
Significant improvements in recent years have included a fish welfare
unit with holding tanks for any new arrivals who are isolated until they can
join the rest of the stock. A new water pump has also been installed.
There is a conservation corner in the seaquarium, and the pier also
hosts visits for schools and groups – as well as being open all year round to
all customers.