Two bumper free fireworks extravaganzas in August

  • 12 August, 2019
  • On the pier


Clacton Pier is gearing up for two bumper free
fireworks extraganzas later this month to pull in the crowds.

Plans are being put in place for an event on
the first night of the Clacton Airshow – and another will follow just three
days later.

The Pier has once again teamed up with airshow
organisers Tendring District Council (TDC) to provide an extravaganza following
the show’s night flights display on August 22.

Billy Ball, director at the Pier, said that it
is proud to be supporting such a prestigious event which is so important to
both the town and the district.

“We are delighted to work alongside the
Council to put on something really special for locals and visitors and to keep
the fun going after the night flights,” he said.

“We are both putting in funds which will mean
the fireworks will be double the budget for our normal extravaganzas during the
rest of the year.

“It is vital to Clacton that we try to keep
people in the town and on the seafront for as long as possible and create a
really special atmosphere.”

Mr Ball added that the night flights have
become such a popular part of the airshow since they were first introduced four
years ago.

“They have gone from strength to strength and
also provide an attraction for those who are working and can’t make the day-time
flights,” he said.

“We will be making sure that the fireworks are
up to standard and match the excitement of the night flights.”

The airshow is the major event on the Tendring
District’s calendar and attracts more than 200,000 visitors over the two days.

It benefits many businesses and traders, such
as the Pier, and Mr Ball said it is important to put something back into the

“Very few towns are lucky enough to have such
a fantastic free event to boost the local economy,” he added.

Clacton Airshow takes place on August 22 and 23
with the main site on the West Greensward.

The Pier will also be staging one of its
regular seven free firework extravaganzas on Sunday August 25 as a thank you to
all its loyal customers.


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